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  • 帰国子女入試対策!世界でたった一つだけの志望理由書を完璧に仕上げる添削講座【2024/8/20受付開始】


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(@Press) 2024年08月14日(水)07時00分配信 @Press

画像 : https://newscast.jp/attachments/k49ye3Zs6xQ9yEN7briX.png


帰国子女受験において志望理由書の作成は非常に重要です。特に帰国子女の皆さんは、一般入試とは異なる視点で志望理由書が評価されます。IMR Educationは、夏休み後半から帰国子女の志望理由書を飛躍的に向上させる添削講座を提供しています。講師との密なインタラクションを通して、唯一無二の志望理由書を仕上げましょう!

画像 : https://newscast.jp/attachments/r8AE1SdvznXYkbJ8aoaa.jpg


帰国子女の受験において、志望理由書は非常に重要な要素となります。志望理由書は、受験生の思考力や表現力、そして自身の意欲や適性を評価するための主要な手段の一つです。多くの帰国子女は、海外での生活経験から得た豊富な知識や視野を持っていますが、それを的確に文章として表現することが求められます。しかし、帰国子女の多くは、日本語の志望理由書に対する練習や経験が不足していることが多く、適切な指導が必要です。IMR Educationの個別指導プログラムは志望理由書の質向上にも重点を置き、将来の受験を考えている帰国子女にも最適です。

















IMR Educationの個別指導は、帰国子女の受験に挑戦するお子様にとって最適な学習環境を提供します。保護者や講師の適切なサポートと楽しく学べる環境の提供が、お子さまの成功につながります。


◆サービス名: IMR Education夏期講習
【オンライン完全個別指導 10%オフキャンペーン中】表記は税込価格
◆料金: オンライン夏休み完全個別指導特別価格7,500円 (通常8,460円)


◆企業名:IMR Education
◆現地責任者:白間 志乃
◆所在地:The Winch 3rd Floor, 21 Winchester Road, London, NW3 3NR
◆TEL:+44 (0) 20-8001-9766(日本語での対応が可能です)


◆お電話:+44 (0) 20-8001-9766

お問い合わせフォームからお問い合わせする : https://imr-education.com/contact/

IMR Education (@imreducation) Instagram photos and videos : https://www.instagram.com/imreducation/

【イギリスの塾】ロンドンにある教室をご紹介♪|IMR Education #shorts #イギリス #留学 : https://youtube.com/shorts/AWiT3NAiKJM?si=TwhOUVSlo1M8aoGd

Preparation for returnees' entrance exams! Editing course to perfect your one-of-a-kind statement of purpose. Applications open from August 20th

Writing a statement of purpose is very important for returnees' entrance exams. In particular, returnees' purpose statements are evaluated from a perspective different from that of general entrance exams. IMR Education offers editing courses to dramatically improve returnees' statements of purpose from the second half of the summer vacation. Let's finish your one-of-a-kind statement of purpose through close interaction with the instructor!

画像 : https://newscast.jp/attachments/cH4s1RfNLnRioScBlU7v.jpg


Statements of purpose are a very important element in returnees' entrance exams. Statements of purpose are one of the main ways to evaluate the examinee's thinking and expressive abilities, as well as their motivation and aptitude. Many returnees have a wealth of knowledge and perspectives gained from their experiences living abroad, but they are required to express them accurately in writing. However, many returnees often lack practice and experience in writing statements of purpose in Japanese, and appropriate guidance is required. IMR Education's individualized tutoring program also focuses on improving the quality of your statement of purpose, making it ideal for returnees who are considering taking exams in the future.

Important points to keep in mind when writing a statement of purpose include the following.

◎Reasons for choosing the school

You are required to specifically explain why you chose your preferred school. It is important to clearly show that the school's educational philosophy, characteristics, and curriculum are consistent with your goals and values.

◎Promote yourself

Specifically describe your own strengths, skills, and experiences, and explain how they can be utilized at your preferred school. It is particularly effective to emphasize your overseas experiences and multicultural understanding that are unique to returnees.

◎Be logical and easy to understand

It is important to write about your experiences and thoughts as a returnee in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Use bullet points and headings to organize your sentences.


Instruction by experienced instructors

Experienced instructors in preparing for entrance exams for returning students provide specific advice on logical structure and expression techniques to gradually improve the quality of students' application essays.

Detailed feedback

Through detailed feedback on the application essays written by each student, we clarify areas for improvement and teach them how to use them next time. Specific advice will help you develop not only your writing skills, but also your self-expression and logical thinking skills.

Custom-made education through individual instruction

We provide instruction tailored to each student's preferred school and motivation and provide a learning plan according to their individual needs. This will help you write an application essay that suits each student.

Free consultation and introduction of trial lessons

Through trial lessons and prior consultations, we deepen mutual understanding between students and instructors and create an optimal learning experience. This allows students to study with peace of mind.

Online is the norm, but face-to-face lessons are available at Swiss Cottage in North London for those living in London who wish to attend the school.
Online, we always provide feedback after class and ask parents to submit homework in advance. Not only children but also parents actively participate in classes.
IMR Education's individual instruction provides the optimal learning environment for children who are taking the entrance exam for returning students. Proper support from parents and instructors and a fun learning environment will lead to your child's success.

Service Overview

Service Name: IMR Education Summer Course
Start Date: August 2024
Price: Online Summer Vacation Complete Individual Instruction Special Price 7,500 yen (Normally 8,460 yen)
Details URL: https://imr-education.com/
Please use the inquiry form below to let us know if you would like additional materials or brochures regarding the educational program.

Company overview

Company name: IMR Education
Local manager: Shirama Shino
Location: The Winch 3rd Floor, 21 Winchester Road, London, NW3 3NR
Established: January 2015
Business activities: Subject instruction for preschoolers to high school students, Japanese and English instruction for adults, educational consulting, teaching material development, research
Capital: 2000
URL: https://imr-education.com/
TEL: +44 (0) 20-8001-9766 (Japanese support available)

Click here to contact us : https://imr-education.com/contact/

IMR Education (@imreducation) Instagram photos and videos : https://www.instagram.com/imreducation/

【イギリスの塾】ロンドンにある教室をご紹介♪|IMR Education #shorts #イギリス #留学 : https://youtube.com/shorts/AWiT3NAiKJM?si=TwhOUVSlo1M8aoGd

